hazelnut butter: for nutella lovers
First recipe of the year! We would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a great 2018! We hope 2018 could bring you a year full of happiness and super healthy recipes full of flavor! We promise to continue to do our best to show you full-flavored recipes that are both healthy and easy to make. We just want to simplify your life! Today we bring you a must have in any kitchen in the world. Nutella! But a homemade and healthy nutella! The kind of nutella that leave no r
to welcome 2018: super healthy cocoa fudge balls
We have reached the end of another year! It is now time to think about the most important moments that we lived in 2017 and on what we should have striven to be better for ourselves and those around us.
2017 was an important year for me and him, both personally and with with the blog. We keep our focus into the project and we want to take this project forward because it makes us happy and because we want to share much more with you! We really want to know your opinion about
para dar as boas vindas a 2018: brigadeiros de cacau super saudáveis
Chegamos ao final de mais um ano! É altura de reflectirmos sobre os momentos que nos marcaram em 2017 e no que deveríamos de nos ter esforçado mais para sermos melhores para nós e para os que nos rodeiam. 2017 foi uma data importante para mim e ele, tanto a nível pessoal como a nível do blog. Empenhamos-nos a sério e continuamos com vontade de levar com este projecto em diante porque nos faz feliz e porque queremos partilhar muito mais convosco! Queremos muito saber a vossa o
salada de framboesas e croutons com pasteis de grão-de-bico e atum e molho de iogurte e alho
Depois do Natal, ficamos sempre com aquela sensação de que não devíamos ter comido aquela fatia de bolo a mais ou aquelas dezenas de filhoses de abóbora da avó carregadíssimas de açúcar. Estes dias estão sempre associados a muitos excessos, quando achamos que estamos cheios e alguém nos oferece mais um doce, comemos já sem vontade e já nem apreciamos o sabor da comida. Para desenjoar dos doces de Natal, hoje trazemos-vos uma salada com ingredientes práticos acompanhada de uns
raspberry and crouton salad with chickpea and tuna patties and yogurt garlic sauce
After Christmas, we always get the feeling that we should not have eaten that extra slice of cake or those dozens of sugar-loaded grandmother's filhoses (a portuguese recepie similar to pumpkin donuts).
These days are always associated with many excesses, when we think we are full someone offers us another sweet thing, we eat without any desire and no longer enjoy the taste of food. To unravel the Christmas sweets, today we bring you a salad with practical ingredients accomp
orange brownies with homemade nutella
Today we bring you another recipe! Two recipes in two days in a row? Wow!!
Well ... it's our little gift for you, to celebrate Christmas! Last Sunday, we decided between cousins to have a dinner to celebrate Christmas among us and to give secret gifts to each one of us, and as expected, I (Sónia) offered my help to make the dessert.
I spent all week thinking about what I should do, I wanted something practical and fast because I had promised already to make all the desserts